
Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Classes

I started my first Connection class on Tuesday night. The class is title "AIDs: The Modern Plague" and so far I find it fascinating. There are two instructors, both of which are fun and a little off the wall. One teaches psychology and the other teaches socialogy, human sexuality and anthropology. The class lasts for five weeks. At the begining of class they will put a question on the board called a "quick write" which serves as their way of taking attendance. We have to keep a journal and give an oral presentation at the end of class. The first night we watched a video from back in the 80's when the AID's epidemic first was heard off. Our quick write question was "When and where did you first hear about the AID's virus". For our journal we are supposed to put ourselves back into that time frame. Prentend we are just now learning about AIDs. That we aren't as enlightened as we are now. I really can't wait for next weeks class. I'd love to be able to take more classes with these professors.

Tonight I start my second Connection class, "End of Life Issues". I hope that it is as interesting as my Tuesday class.



I've read some intriguing theories about when it was first discovered. I read somewhere that there was evidence that the first case may have been recorded back in the 1950s, although not by name.

Mohammed said...

Interesting subject !
Good Luck :)

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