
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Splash Into Summer Giveaway Hop

I'm giving away a book of your choice $12 or less from Amazon, Barnes and Nobles or the Book Depository. Giveaway runs from May 25 to June 1st. Must be 13 years or older to enter. Giveaway is open anywhere that the Book Depository ships. Please check their website if you are unsure they ship to your country. Please enter using the Rafflecopter below. Don't forget to stop by all the other blogs taking place in the hop.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Arianne said...

hoping to get some filming done, get my headshots and sign up for LA Casting so I can get audition notices

Dana said...

I plan on reading in my backyard and working on my blog!

blanshire said...

Relax, go to the beach and read lots of books!

TayteH said...

I'm going to work, read, eat, sleep, and write. :D Plus go to Ohio and Minnesota!

Unknown said...

going to Disney World with my kids :D and reading on the beach.

Mariee said...

No big plans, I'm saving my money so I can go visit my parents in Europe this winter.

Ashley said...

I'm going on a vacation to Bora Bora! AMAZING! I also have a summer job lined up.

Unknown said...

I am planning on going to the beach a lot, spending some time with my bf and relaxing!

Penny Pe

Mystica said...

I live in the tropics. Permanent summer!

throuthehaze said...

I don't have any definite plans. I'll probably just read, hang out with my boyfriend, and try to get in shape :)

Sue Sattler said...

I plan on swimming, reading, cooking out and playing in the rain.

Unknown said...

Wait for summer to get here in Australia first :)

Carole M said...

My husband just had foot surgery, so we're staying local, as he is not going to be too mobile.

Natasha said...

No plans yet, just relaxing and reading. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Looking for a job. *Sigh*

Janae's Book Obsession said...

Reading and relaxing. playing with the hubby and baby as well. :)

Lauren B said...

Vegging by the pool and reading.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Jewel said...

It's Winter now but come summer, the beach awaits me. ;)

Zemira said...

Probably to Canada to visit my cousin.

Unknown said...

No big plans. Just relaxing at the beach with my friends and family

Certifible said...

Read and catch some sun and waves

franchie15 said...

Read books! :)

Naga said...

Read books, go to the seaside..

Alabell said...

I would like to visit London this year :)

Anonymous said...

Going on vacation to the coast in my country, Belgium. :)

Mihaela said...

Pass my final exams and travel.

Carla said...

Read, spend some time with my friends and go to the beach!

wcs53 said...

I'm planning to spend as much time with my family as I can and to get some fun reading time.

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

Three weeks vacation in France! :)

Cherry said...

Go to as many book festivals and events as I can :)

Cherry Mischievous

Mervi said...

No special plans, other than relaxing and reading lots of books.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Anme said...

I'm taking classes during the summer and spending a week as a conselor/teacher at a summer camp/school. When I get the AC unit set up in my bedroom in mid-June- there will be plenty of videogaming!

A.D. Duling said...

spending the summer with my kiddos!

AimeeKay said...

Lounge by the pool and spend time with my kids!

Cathy C said...

visit my family in NYC

catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

Chey said...

I have no plans whatsoever. I'm just hoping to get a job so I can have money and do things when the opportunity comes! Other than that, I'll just be staying home, reading, hopefully seeing friends.

Christina K. said...

I won't be able to travel, but hopefully I'll be able to enjoy the warm weather:)

S a n d r a said...

I will go to Cataluña :)

Anonymous said...

I don't have plans for the summer yet

Anonymous said...

I'm off to go live with my sister in Australia for 2 months! I'm very excited - it's definitely more interesting than England to me :)

Catie said...

I'll just be hanging around the house reading. as usual ;)

dogwood said...

I'm job hunting. Until I find something, it's reading and playing in the backyard with my kiddo (not too shabby).

Unknown said...

No big plans this summer, BBQ and read!

brandileigh2003 said...

go to the pool a lot

Anonymous said...

No major plans yet...I'd love to go somewhere fun, but it's not cheap and I know summer's the worst possible time. There will be reading, and with any luck a concert or two...


aliaa said...

Just relax, catch up with my reading

Val said...

My summer plans include LOTS and LOTS of reading.


hs said...

Spend days glued to a chair (or my bed) reading. And doing avoid chores.

BlackWolf said...

read more books

Steph said...

Read tons of books! And go camping!

deanna_boocock said...

I can't wait to start gardening.

NGS said...

We're moving!

marian said...

plan to read and hangout with friends

Rebecca said...

Reading :)

ellepaulette said...

I plan on reading and hanging out with my family!

laceyblossom said...

I plan on reading a ton of books!

Felicia said...

I'm planning on reading! :)

Jasmine1485 said...

It's nearly winter here but I'm planning on studying hard for the next couple of weeks and then sleeping in every day and reading on my holidays :) I'm logged into Rafflecopter as Kate Ryan

Unknown said...

Summer is almost over here and I read as much as I could. :)

Chocolate Chunky Munkie said...

Reading and gardening this year, no summer vaction planned.

Holly said...

Hopefully catch up on my reading challenge!

Dinda said...

Just relaxing and reading books.

Tanja said...

I plan on reading a lot :)

Ricki said...

Work... :(

debbie said...

Stay at home while my son is recovering from surgery.

Dyniy said...

I'm going to try to get caught up on my TBR list. I won't have any more time to read than I do now but I'm going to try to. Hope you have a great summer.

Elizabeth said...

Kick back and relax

Unknown said...

Read, sleep and eat!

Michele O. said...

Studying T_T

Yto said...

i plan to read some books ^^

Jennifer Irving said...

I'm going to spend the summer with the boys, so I'll be trying not to go insane.

Anonymous said...

Going to England, Scotland, & Wales

Rebecca Hipworth said...

Sunbathe! :)

Ange said...


Sonia said...

I am going to read books and reduce my TBR pile. :-)

Karlene Baila said...

Read. Read. Read.
And then read some more.

Liss Martz said...

Read, Rest and to visit my family!!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Summer reading and ice cream eating

DeeDee Griffin said...

I plan to read by the pool as much as posssible!

Laura (All the Word's a Page) said...

Mostly working but I'm also getting my Smart Serve and CPR training!

Unknown said...

To relax, get some reading done and hopefully finish my dissertation.

Kindlemom said...

Getting lots of sun and catching up on my reading!

mels said...

I'm going to London! Can't wait! :D
And I plan to read a lot of books, of course :)

Amanda Morganne said...

I will be reading, working on my blog and getting ready for college!

Fall Into Books said...

Conducting anthropological and ethnomusicological research in Cherokee, NC. :)

Jessica L. Tate said...

Get a new job, hang out with friends, and finish writing my book. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

ann said...

Spend time with family and grandkids and most of all - keep cool

Danielle Williams said...

work mostly but hopefully be able to escape the summer heat for a day or two

lbraley said...

Nothing, that is the best thing about summer

aldelei89 said...

go SWIMMING and SLEEPING as long as i want (no school!) LOL

Colleen Boudreau said...

Just relax.

Heather said...

Catching up on sleep, reading, and planning for next school year.

Gi-Gi said...

I;m planning to sleep, catch up on my reading and hang with my friends :)

Kellie Conklin said...

I'm planning to apply for a job teaching, swim, read as many books as possible, and work a bit :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I am graduating from grad school.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Carley L. said...

It sounds a little boring, but my plans for this summer include a lot of relaxing, book reading, and junky TV show watching.

*Jam* said...

Thanks for the giveaway! =)

*Jam* said...

Oops, forgot my answer:

Reading a lot!

Shelver506 said...

Work a lot, take one week of vacation (roller coasters!), then work some more.

susan1215 said...

We plan to do a lot of swimming

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Krista said...

getting tan and reading!

Doodle said...


Deb PelletierC said...

Reading and book blog hopping.deb p

Kimberleigh said...

Tan, read, and work so I can go to college. In that order. :D

Theshortone08 said...

Get as much sun, reading, and relaxing as I can.
Mostly though I'll be working and/or going to summer school.

elin said...


Cecil Atom said...

I plan on watching a lot of baseball.

Jade said...

Eat lots and lots of ice cream!:)

starryblue said...

Going to read, study, and write book reviews.

Ntzee said...

spend time with the family and catch up on some readings! thanks for the giveaway

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I'm planning to read more books. :)
-Riz B.

Filia Oktarina said...

I plan on swimming, reading a lot books, and relaxing :)

Janhvi said...

I plan on reading lots and lots of books! :)

Disincentive said...

I plan to read a lot <3

Disincentive said...

I plan to read a lot <3

Danielle B! said...

I plan on relaxing, reading, and running around barefoot :]

ShotgunGuyIsCool said...

Study and read :)

stella said...

I'm planning on doing some clearing this summer! ^^

stella said...

I'm planning on doing some clearing this summer! ^^

Kristia said...

Thank you for the international giveaway! I plan to get a summer job and enjoy the beach with my friends.
Miltiadou Kristia

Dark_Calling said...

read, watch tv :)

Unknown said...

moving to England

Megan said...

Hopefully getting a job and being able to read whenever I'm not working!

SarahS. said...


Liese2 said...

Catching up on reading and hopefully a trip to Disneyland.

Unknown said...

I plan on reading - a lot (hopefully at the beach)!!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com

koddabear said...

Sit on my patio with a glass of wine and read, read, read

lexie said...

Work at a summer camp

Cheryl said...

BBQ's and bonfires!

Ninna Berries said...

Sharing time with my family!!

Darlene said...

I'm planning to enjoy some down-time and fun with my kids!

deasuluna said...

Going camping in June, then a two week trip to Puerto Rico from end of June into early July. And I'm going to attend my first ever Comic-con in San Diego! Pretty excited for summer after a long exam season.

Evie said...

I'm going to read a lot of books and play with my little nephew :)
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

magic5905 said...

I'll be reading and catching up on movies and trying to stay cool.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

Lexie@BookBug said...

Planning to spend a lot of time out in the sun, at the pool, and at the park.

Unknown said...

I just graduated, so I'll be job hunting.

Ellisa said...

I live in the tropics so yeah, it's like summer all the time! But I plan to have fun with college friends, go somewhere and do culinary adventure!

Noely Jeleen said...

Go on family trips and read more books. :D

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

precious said...

Since I am working this summer, reading books and watching movies is the way to go!

FreakChiq said...

Reading and relaxing :)

JessS said...

Nothing at the moment, because summer is not for le ages and ages in Australia.

Tze Sing said...

Hoping to study, swim and read!

Anonymous said...

to finish my internship!

@_julietearjerky said...

just lounge on my back porch reading good books..

Unknown said...

Babysitting for one of my good friends to help her out over the first part of the summer, when i'm not babysitting i'm planning to spend as much time as i can with my friends and when we're not doing that we're going to be packing. we're moving in the middle of the summer. got a very busy summer ahead of me. luckily i should be able to pack while i'm babysitting. they enjoy helping me pack. :)

april_hunter24 said...

Reading, reading and probably more reading :P

Jennifer said...

Read, relax, go on a cruise, hang out with friends... :)

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

I'll be working!

Suz Reads said...

Read and relax!

Isa said...

For this summer I'm going to read a lot of books, go to the beach or hiking and paint. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

~April~ said...

I am planning on staying as cool as possible. lol... Also going to have cook outs with friends and do a lot of reading...

Juana said...

I am planning on catching up on my TBR book pile.


Kelly said...

Going to the beach and day trips

Veronica W. said...

Getting a job! O.o

Tobi said...

WOrk and play with my boys outside!

Aline Tobing said...

Reading more books! :D

Unknown said...

maybe go to swimming with my kids or hangout with my friend..

thanks for making this international..

success for you and happy summer

Emily @ Falling For YA said...

Catch up on my TBR list!

Kimberley@sunnykimmylovinglife said...

This summer I would like to go outdoors, you know, have fun in the water (not the beach, more like creeks) and read. There's also my birthday coming up so that will be fun :). Thanks for the giveaway!

Sophia Rose said...

Planning a trip with family.

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

Dianne said...

Thanks for this giveaway! I plan on catching up on my reading and on movies and TV shows!

tomakunisnumberone at gmail dot com

Jaime Lester said...

Reading, a lot! My 30th bday is July 29th and my hubby is throwing me a nice pig smoking, corn hole throwing party. That is what I am most looking forward to I do believe. Oh, and we are heading to Charleston, SC for our anniversary soon, too. Can't wait!

Jennifer Haile said...

I plan on going to the beach at some point!

Unknown said...

I plan on spending a lot of time outdoors

Veronika said...

I plan on reading a lot and relaxing!

Unknown said...

reading the books, holidays, having fun with my girls..
thanks for the giveaway ^^


Anonymous said...

Relax and reading:)

Sofija Kapranova said...

I am hoping to find internship in some vet clinic.

Bookie Bee said...

Would love to read Insurgent!!!

Maneesha Haroon

Anonymous said...

I think i would spend time with my friends

CindyWindy2003 said...

taking a trip to CA, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

I will spend time with my friends ! :)

Emily said...

spend a week at the beach, read a bunch of books and be generally lazy. :-)

Andra said...

I plan on travelling through Europe. ;)

tjmetz said...

Camping, fishing, swimming, grilling, hanging out with my kids

Stephanie said...

I have some fun trips to Seattle and Florida planned!

Bridget Howard said...

Mostly just relaxing and hanging out with my family!!!

Caryn said...

Do a lot of grilling

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

J Whitus said...

Float in the pool. If it were an Olympic even I'd have several gold medals!

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

I'm planning to get a lot of reading done!! Thanks for the chance at winning.

Tiffany Drew said...

I'm planning on reading at the beach as much as possible :)

Ana Norte said...

Just rest, hang out with my friends and, of course, read a lot!

Cricket said...

I have to work.

Gretchen said...

I am hoping to go swimming with my granddaughter over and over!

tiff k said...

It's not really summer here but you could say it's almost summer half the time so I plan to be more productive! Also read more :D

tiff k said...

My name is Tiffany Kang on the rafflecopter by the way! I posted as tiff k here :D With email jynxedpanda [at] gmail [dot] com

Angie said...

Planning to see Niagara Falls from Canada's side.

latishajean said...

I really don't have any big plans this summer want to read more have
alot of books on my to read pile!
Thank you for the great giveaway!

Tanya1224 said...

We're going to stay with family in FL. I've missed the gulf coast beaches. I'm taking my kindle along this time ;) Thanks for the contest.

Debbie W. said...

I'll be rotating between studying and reading!

Valia Lind said...

I'll be working...lots lol

Anonymous said...

Hopefully go to the beach...and lots of reading! :)

Wolfswan1 said...

Read mostly, I have alot to catch up on.

Maureen said...

I plan on relaxing and reading

Sena said...

Go swimming! :)

softballcrazy_081497 said...

softball and reading ;)

aloveforbooks said...

do something adventurous like try the zipline or bungee jump!

CrystalGB said...

garden and fish

Sherry said...

Go swimming, read some good books and work.

Mirjam said...

Work, blog and read! Although I hope to be able to relax too. :)

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