"You explored 52 different genres....
You're Top 5 Genres were
New Wave
Nu Metal
Alt Z
Your Morning started with Empower Confident Bold
You Seized the Day with Chill Calm Relaxing
You embraced the night with Mellow Melancholy Gloomy
In 2022, your total play time was 13,,348 minutes. That's more than 63% of other listeners in the United States.
Your Top Song was Chakras by Qveen Herby. You played it 46 times with the most listens on January 14, 2022.
You played 1,768 songs, but these played again and again and again
Your top songs:
Chakras by Qveen Herby
Savage Daughter by Sarah Hester Ross
Sade in the 90s by Qveen Herby
Maybe You're the Problem by Ava Max
Self Aware by Qveen Herby
You listened to 1,147 artists this year, but one ruled your world
Your top artist this year was Qveen Herby
You spent 742 minutes together. You were in the top 0.5% of Qveen Herby listeners this year.
You couldn't stop listening to Chakras
Your top artists
Qveen Herby
Ava Max
Gin Blossoms
Fleetwood Mac
You are "The Deep Diver
When you love an artist, you dive deep into their catalogs, taking in all the sights and sounds you discover along the way.
Familiarity Timelessness Variety Uniqueness
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